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Big Bunji
a minor criminal, Big Bunji was a lavender-hued humanoid with a wide body and a huge head. His eyes were like saucers, and his hair resembled a slate-colored bird's nest. His large ears were pink in coloration, and looked like wings. once hired Han Solo and Chewbacca to run chak-root to Gaurick, agreeing to pay for all their expenses during the contract. Han and Chewie made a number of runs to Gaurick, each one more difficult because the local religious leaders deemed chak-root an illegal substance. One run turned disastrous for them, as the planet's fleet severely damaged the Millennium Falcon as it tried to escape. Han was also forced to dump the load of chak-root he was carrying to get away. Based on the promise Big Bunji made, Han and Chewie had repairs done on the Falcon, and added them to Big Bunji's account. However, they son received a bill from Big Bunji for the chak-root and the repairs to the Falcon. Han's temper flared up, and he strafed Big Bunji's pressure dome with laser bolts, eliminating its atmosphere and causing innumerable amounts of damage. Big Bunji later had his assistant, Squeak, approach Han about a job at the Mos Eisley spaceport, claiming no hard feelings remained between them. However, Han had already taken on Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Big Bunji laid low during the Galactic Civil War, eventually setting up shop near Ord Mantell. After the initial phases of construction were completed on the Jubilee Wheel space station, Big Bunji moved his operation there. He went by the pseudonym of "Boss B" to maintain relative anonymity. Big Bunji and most of his organization managed to escape the Yuuzhan Vong attack on the station, making their way planetside to regroup. (SWR, HSE, CSA, HT)

Big Eye
this converted blastboat was used by the Jedi Knights to gather military intelligence on the Yuuzhan Vong, some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin. It was used in the Froz System by Tenel Ka, Lowbacca, and Raynar Thul, as they were dispatched to monitor Yuuzhan Vong activity in the Corellian Sector. (SBS)

Big Game, The
this was the name used by Adminstrator Simon Greyshade to describe the gladiator events he staged aboard The Wheel, during the years following the Battle of Yavin. (MC20)

Big Gizz
known as the Gizman, this hulking humanoid stands over 2.5 meters in height, and was the captain of Jabba the Hutt's swoop gang on Tatooine. He led his swoop gang, with Jix in tow, to take out Luke Skywalker in a dangerous swoop race through Beggar's Canyon. Big Gizz had long, shaggy hair and a well-muscled physique. He had large, pointed ears and a toothy maw. He was injured in the swoop chase when Dash Rendar arrived to help Luke, and tried to get out of Beggar's Canyon with Jix. However, Gizz knew too much about Jix's past, and so Jix killed him before they could return to Jabba's palace. Big Gizz's body was found by the B'omarr monks that lived in Jabba's palace, and was reanimated. The fatal wound that killed Gizz was repaired, and a thick metal plate was installed to cover the hole in his skull. It continually picked up stray communications signals. After being reunited with Spiker, they set off to locate Jabba's hidden trove of weapons on board the escape ship Spirit of Jabba. They hoped to become pirates on their own. Big Gizz's plate picked up comm signals from Gorga the Hutt, who had come to Tatooine to hear Jabba's will and had been left out of the major inheritance. Gorga hoped to recover some of Jabba's Mendacian funeral urns, but stumbled upon the ship first. They managed to steal the ship before Gorga could obtain it, but failed to override the ship's security system. The interactive tape took control, venting atmosphere and locking out user control. Just when they thought they were doomed, the Nemphas tried to intercept them. They were forced to crash-land the ship outside of Mos Eisley in order to escape Gorga the Hutt's minions. Spiker and Gizz survived, and made their way back to civilization. Note that the Rebellion Era Sourcebook claims Big Gizz was a human. (SEC, SSE, TJT, RESB)

Big Green Fish
an expletive used by Yarbolk Yemm, as in "by the Big Green Fish." (POT)

Big Gyyl
see Gyylghrard (PH)

Big Hill
a city on the planet Lucazec. It is connected to Jisasu via Crown Pass Road. (BTS)

Big Jak Targrim
this four-armed, hulking alien was the pirate leader of the Riders of the Maelstrom. His genetic structure has been altered over time by the addition of gene material from various evil criminals and warlords to make him even more ruthless and evil. This plicing of genetic patterns has resulted in Big Jak having a wildly-variable personality, as each of the genetic patterns tries to assert itself. His face was scarred in battle. Big Jak resented the intrusion of Rodin Higron's pirate group on Oasis, and schemed to capture a large ship passing through the Maelstrom. Once he was in control of a large ship, he would set it on autopilot to crash into Oasis and destroy Higron's pirates. Big Jak's chance came when the Kuari Princess made its way through the Maelstrom. The Riders were able to board the luxury liner and gain control of its bridge. His plot was foiled by the timely intervention of Alliance agents, who were on board the ship trying to thwart the plans of Imperial Moffs Vanko and Torpin. Big Jak managed to escape before the Alliance agents could capture him. (RM)

Big L
this was a slang term used by starpilots to refer to lightspeed. (HSE)

Big Maxiboss Gurunda
this was the name of one of the statues found in the Gungan Sacred Place. It was one of the first statues stolen by Captain Swagg, shortly before the Battle of Naboo. It was later replaced when the Gungans managed to runn Swagg off the planet. (E1A11)

Big Nasty Free-For-All
this competition was held at the Gungan Festival of Warriors. It pitted a great number of Gungan soldiers - often more than 400 - against each other in a race against the elements. There was a basic set of rules, but, in general, anything was fair. The initial stage of the event involved the competitors trying to capture bouncing gulliballs, and was known as the gulli-brawl. The number of gulliballs available was exactly half the total number of competitors, and so half were eliminated in the first round. The second phase involved placing the gulliballs in elevated chutes, and was known as the gulli-throw. Those Gungans who successfully deposited their balls moved onto the third phase, which involved a race through the ocean to the swamplands surrounding Lake Umberbool. Once on land, the racers had to reach a checkpoint and then dive back into the water from a high cliff. Once in the water, they had to return to the arena. The first Gungan to cross the finish line was declared the winner. (E1A10)

Big Nose
this was Den Dhur's nickname for the Ortolan bartender Baloob. (SWI83)

Big One
this was a nickname used by the Priapulin to describe the primary parent of a family. All other offspring worked for the betterment of their parents, and revered their "Big One" like a god. (RP)

Big One, The
this was Fadoop's nickname for Chewbacca. (HSL)

Big Push, The
this was a slang term that described the killing of another individual, as in "giving him the Big Push." (LCM)

Big Quince
this Sludir slavelord was a gladiator fighting in the pits on Loovria. Born with the name Quintik Kahr, Big Quince survived a multitude of fights before gaining his freedom. After retiring, Big Quince continued to carry his gladiator's force pike as a reminder to all of his prowess in the pits. He once owned the lives of Platt Okeefe and Tru'eb Cholakk, until both smugglers managed to steal his personal shuttle and escape. (SWJ2, CRO, PSPG)

Big Quince, The
this sleepy bar and grill was located on the planet Chrona, in the mining town of Corestrike. (SWJ12)

Big Score
this Action VI transport was owned by Anton Azzameen during the Galactic Civil War. (XWA)

Big Shock
developed by Corellian Technologies, this was a form of electrified webbing that could be worn over protective armor plating. It delivered an intense, electric shock to any exposed flesh which came in contact with it, providing the user with an added measure of protection. (GUN)

Big Z
see Zaalbar (SWDB)

Big Zoo
this was a term used to describe the Galactic Polysapient Medical Center, used most often by its graduates. (MJH)

this was one of the most common given names used for human males throughout the galaxy. (GCG)

Biggs Field
found near Imperial City on Coruscant, this airstrip was named to honor Biggs Darklighter's sacrifice during the Battle of Yavin. (SOL)

this robo-hauler was manufactured by Cybot Galactica. (CSA)

this Herglic was the bouncer at the Corusca Gem Casino, located on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, during the height of the New Order. He was addicted to gambling, although he rarely won anything at the games. He dreamed of opening his own casino, but could never save enough credits. (WOA23)

this was the name used by Cybot Galactica to describe their robo-harvester droid, which was produced during the last decades of the Old Republic. Measuring twenty-five meters in length, the BigScoop was capable of transporting up to fifty metric tons of harvested grains and vegetables. Four separate mounting points were provided to allow the BigScoop to handle a number of jobs, from plowing and sowing seed to fertilizing and harvesting. (GORW)

Bigspace Hotel
this was one of the many hotels that were built in the City Bigspace of Otoh Gunga, on the planet Naboo, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. The Bigspace Hotel catered to the needs of the many offworld tourists and visitors to traveled to Naboo to see the Gungan culture. (GMR4)

Big-Time Hero of Beyond-Squib Eliteness
this honorific was used by the Squib leaders of the planet Skor II to indicate those individuals who distinguished themselves in the defense of the Squibs. Jedi Master Mace Windu was given this honorary title when he liberated the Metrobig Interplanetary Blastport from Separatist forces, during the height of the Clone Wars. (SWI69)

this was a planet whose lush farmlands were destroyed early in the Galactic Civil War when the Great Heep installed a fuel-ore processor there. The processor consumed much of the planet's moisture, rendering it a barren wasteland. Prior to the Galactic Civil War, Biitu was one of the primary agricultural planets of the Cassandran Worlds. (TGH, GORW)

native to the planet Biitu, these hairless, green humanoids were primarily farmers until the Great Heep destroyed their planet. (TGH)

Biituian Fen-hare
this small creature is found on the planet Biitu, and is easily frightened. (SLS)

an Imperial industrial world that was intentially contaminated by the fleeing Imperial forces after the Battle of Endor. The Imperials also undermined several major corporations. (SWJ2)

Bijo Hammax
a Narvath member of the New Republic Intelligence agency, Bijo was a member of the Narvath resistance and a strong supporter of the Alliance. He was assigned to lead the assault team that would have penetrated the Teljkon vagabond, if Lando Calrissian hadn't gotten there first. (BTS)

this was a common name for Ewok males. Like other Ewok names, it referred to a spirit or character in the Ewoks' mythology. (GCG)

according to Ewok legend, this animal spirit tricked hunters into following it, then led them far from home until they became lost. (GCG)

this woman was a small-time criminal who lived on the planet Onderon during the years following the Mandalorian Wars. (KOTOR2)

this Jawa was known thief who worked near Mos Espa, on the planet Tatooine, during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Jabba the Hutt issued a bounty for Biktha's capture after Biktha stole one of the Hutt's pit droids. This bounty was eventually claimed by Jango Fett, who was on Tatooine trying to arrange a meeting with Jabba. (BH)

this ball of frozen rock was the fourth and outermost planet of the New Plympto System. (CCW)

this gaseous substance is used in chemical warfare. (POT)

a low-cultured, sentient races subjugated by House Vandron and made to work the breeding farms on Karfeddion. (COJ)

a short, pudgy alien race with long arms, short legs, and no hair, the Bilars look like bald teddy bears with frozen smiles. The ears of a Bilar are quite large, and are capable of hearing in infrasonic and ultrasonic wavelengths. The ears can be swivels in different directions, allowing the Bilars to use them with great efficiency. Their eyes are large and black, and can gather light in the darkest of nights. However, they are not a dominating race, and have survived more vicious forms of life on their homeworld of Mima II by staying in large groups for safety. This behavior soon became part of their genetic makeup, and they have evolved the need for a group mind in order to function. On their own, single Bilars are dumb animals. Together, they form claqas (group minds) in which the overall intelligence of the claqa doubles with each additional Bilar mind. The average number of Bilars in a sentient claqa is four, while a genius claqa has at least seven Bilars. There is a single instance of a 10-Bilar claqa which became the entity known as Unni Yerudi. (GG4)

Bilba Tree
a species of tree native to the planet Dantooine, the bilba was noted for its twisted trunk. (GOF11, ROD)

this was one of the larger port towns located on the planet Nal Hutta. (TFNR)

Bilbringi System
this system lacked any true planets, but was choked with asteroid belts and other drifting debris. The system was under Imperial control until the Battle of Bilbringi. (TLC, TTSB, EGP)

Bilbringi VII
this medium-sized planetoid is part of the larger Bilbringi System asteroid field. It was also the site of an Imperial shipyard under the command of General Drost, during the reign of Grand Admiral Thrawn. (TLC)

this creature, native to the oceans of Chad, was semi-domesticated and was harvested for its tender flesh. They could grow to lengths of 150 meters or more, and measure 15 meters in diameter. Their skin was covered with a thick, sub-dermal tissue that acted like armor despite its apparent softness. The bildog was a stupid but mean-spirited creature, which sometimes made them hard to herd. They congregated in groups of five to fifty individuals. (SWJ10, EGA)

Bildor's Canyon
a desert canyon found on Tatooine, it was the site of Wimateeka's clan fortress. It bordered Ariq Joanson's moisture farm, and was located between Bestine and the Jundland Wastes. (TME, IWST)

this city, located on the planet Barnaba, was rumored to be the site of a shadowport that was funded by House Barnaba itself. In reality, it was the former site of a Justice Action Network base, but the base had been abandoned well before the Battle of Endor. (TSIA)

Bilios System
this Tapani Sector star system was part of the holdings of House Melantha during the New Order. (LOE)

this Gamorrean worked as a bodyguard to Zippa the Toydarian. When Zippa tried to sell a holocron to Lorn Pavan, the Toydarian took exception to the human's doubt as to the holocron's history. Zippa ordered Bilk to hold them at gunpoint until he could flee the scene and find another buyer. Lorn and his droid, I-5YQ, tried to escape and catch Zippa, and I-5YQ shot Bilk dead during the escape. (DMSH)

this was a common male name among the Gamorrean people. Like most Gamorrean names, it was essentially gibberish that indicated what a Gamorrean would do if you made him angry. (GCG)

Billane, Jonava
this woman, a native of the planet Ord Thoden, lost her daughter Ludi when the infant was whisked away to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, after being recognized for her connection to The Force. The child had been rescued by a Jedi Knight from the ruins of the city of Domitree, but Jonava objected to the action. She spent every last credit she had to travel to Coruscant and protest Ludi's taking. Her pleas initially fell upon deaf ears, as the Jedi claimed that Ludi had been "awakened to The Force" and could not return to her secular life. Jonava's pleas garnered the attention of her homeworld's Senator, Boganni Hrul, as well as a popular following on Coruscant formed by the People's Inquest. Despite her high ideals, when a group of holofeature producers approached Jonava and Thrynka about a movie based on their efforts, both quickly traveled to Kassido to help with casting. (HNN4, HNN5)

Billane, Ludi
this infant child was rescued by a Jedi Knight from the ruins of the city of Domitree, some eight months prior to the onset of the Clone Wars. Her connection to The Force was quite strong, and the Jedi had no trouble locating her. Baby Ludi was transported back to Coruscant for training, as the Jedi were unaware that her mother, Jonava, was still alive. The Jedi refused to allowed Jonava to take Ludi back to Ord Thoden, claiming that the infant had been "awakened to The Force" and could not return to secular life. (HNN4)

a smuggling overlord and contemporary of Talon Kaarde, Billey ran much of the black market bacta on Coruscant shortly after the planet was liberated from Ysanne Isard. It was believed that he was a native of Corellia, although Billey himself never revealed his origins. He was something of a legend among smugglers, surviving in the profession for more than sixty years. He believed that he was his own good-luck charm, since he seemed to be able to escape from any possible situation. His luck lasted a few years, until he was injured in a botched spice run during the height of the New Order. He was imprisoned at the Goshyn Detention Center, where he refused cybernetic replacements for his most-damaged parts. Billey spent much of his life in a repulsorchair in order to get around, and was forced to trust in his lieutenants - Brask, Par'tah, Ellor, and Dravis - to do most of his negotiations and business travels. (TLC, BW, TTSB, GMR3)

Billi B and the Paradise Gang
much of this muscial ensemble's music was banned by the Empire. (SWJ9)

this Troiken agreed to help the forces of the Old Republic - soliders, Jedi Knights, and politicians - escape from Mount Avos, where they had been holed up by the mercenaries under the command of Iaco Stark, during the early stages of the Stark Hyperspace Wars. Billibango was befriended by Jace Dallin, and confided in the human that he wished to become a Jedi Knight. Billibango's advice helped the Republic forces evacuate their hiding places just before Stark's forces arrived, giving them a chance to fight back. During the battle, Billibango threw himself in front of a blast which was meant for Dallin, saving Dallin's life. Dallin never forgot Billibango's bravery, which continued to be proven as the struggle escalated. It was Billibango, and his knowledge of the Lycinder Plain, who got the Republic forces to safety. (SHW)

Bilsek, Lav
this Alliance armed forces Commander was placed in charge of the assault team sent to destroy the Empire's HoloNet relay station on Altratonne. (MBC)

this name, which meant "strong", was common among Gungan males. (GCG)

Bimbam Toop
this large Gungan was the foreman of a Gungan work crew which worked at the Kwilaan Starport shortly after the Battle of Naboo. (WOA2)

Bimin Three System
this inhabintants of this planetary system were sympathetic to the needs of the Jedi Knights, during the last decades of the Old Republic. (JAD)

this tree grew in the rainforest regions of the planet Garqi. Many groves of bimiza trees were razed during the era of the New Order, to make way for construction of buildings. Luckily for the Garqians, the bimiza tree grew swiftly, and efforts to restore its habitat in the wake of the Battle of Endor proved highly successful. The bimiza tree was treasured among Garqi's plantlife because its root system created some of the richest soil found on the planet. (GORW)

Bimiza Hill
this was one of the many neigborhoods and suburbs that made up of the city Pesktda, on the planet Garqi. Bimiza Hill, which was located near Pesktda Port, was the location of many of the city's most prominent tapcafes. (GORW)

this was the name given to either of two distinct races of humanoids which were native to the planet Bimmisaari. Xenoarchaeologists believe that the original Bimms were bipedal, half-furred humanoids who loved to tell stories and were enamored of heroic feats. They were generally a peaceful people who welcomed visitors with laughing voices and open arms, and they all seemed to dress in yellow. They were also excellent hagglers, and spend much of their days shopping and bargaining with each other. Millennia before the fall of the Old Republic, a second race of near-humans came to Bimmisaari from a nearby star system, and adopted the original Bimm civilization as their own. The original Bimms, being hospitable and open-minded, accepted the newcomers into their society without question. However, the two races were sexually incompatible, and could not interbreed. Both races of Bimm seemed to prefer the color yellow, and the original Bimms almost always wore yellow clothing. (HTTE, TTSB, WOTC, EGA, UANT)

this was the name of the leader of the Imperial survey team which discovered the MZX33291 System. (DTO)

this world was the fifth planet from the sun which centered the MZX33291 system. Originally discovered by Imperial scouts, Bimmiel was thought to be a temperate world of grassy plains and cool deserts. However, it was later learned that the Imperials had first landed on the planet during its closest inbound pass to the sun. An xenoarcheology expedition funded by the University of Agamar learned that Bimmiel had an elongated, elliptical orbit which brought the planet well away from its sun at its furthest path, plunging the planet into a deep winter. They named the planet after the leader of the Imperial survey team which first found it. The xenoarch team had been studying the relationships between the slashrats and the shwpi when they discovered the fifty-year-old remains of Mongei Shai, a Yuuzhan Vong warrior killed on the planet five decades earlier, indicating that the Vong had been able to break through the hyperspace distrubance at the edge of the galaxy long before they actually attacked Belkadan and Helska. The students also discovered that the planet's magnetic field shifted on a regular basis, making any static map of the world obsolete in twenty to fifty years. When Shedao Shai learned of the desecration of Mongei Shai's remains, he ordered Bimmiel wiped clean of any forms of life. (DTO, FH3)

this was the native language of the Bimms. (EGP)

a world that the New Republic tried to enlist shortly before the emergence of Admiral Daala from the Maw Installation. (JS)

Bimmira Canyon
this winding canyon was located on Tatooine, and was a side path to the famous Mos Espa podracing course. (APD)

this planet, the capital world of Halla Sector, was the homeworld of the Bimm race. It was a temperate, forested world whose day lasted 26 standard hours, while its year lasted 302 local days. Bimmisaari was one of the first ten planets to join the Refugee Resettlement Coalition, shortly before the Clone Wars. In the wake of the death of Emperor Palpatine at Endor, Bimmisaari was courted by the New Republic, but chose to remain as neutral as possible. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Bimmisaari was overrun during the second wave of attacks. (HTTE, HTSB, HT, HNN5, SWMW)

this was the native language of the Bimm people. (BF3)

this was a common component used to create the names given to Cerean males. In general, male Cereans given an individual name, which is added to the names of their father and grandfather. Complete male names are arranged based on harmony and cadence, but the literal meanings are arranged to ensure proper descriptions. The name Bin was used to indicate an archer or hunter, or an arrow. (GCG)

this city was located on the planet Melida/Daan. It was defended by the Daan shortly after the Twenty-First Battle of Zehava. (DOD)

Bin Binnari
this Professor worked at the New Republic Astrographic Survey Institute. Binnari was assigned to accompany Lieutenant Shella Harin on a fact-finding mission to Leria Kerlsil during the Human League crisis on Corellia. (CTD)

Bin Essada
a not-quite-human Imperial Moff, ruling the Circarpous system from the territorial world of Gyndine. He is extremely obese, with multiple chins lapping over his collar. He has curly black hair which is accented with areas of white and am orange-colored spiral design near the top. He has dark eyes with pink pupils. (SME)

Bin Gassi Racing Engines
manufacturers of podracing engines and complete racers. (IG1)

Bin Prime
this was the capital city of the planet Balmorra. (EGP)

Bin, Drelmar
this pencil-thin, hawk-nosed human owns the kyrf plantations on the planet Korbin. He was a corporate executive until it was discovered he was embezzling funds from it. He fled, and set up residence on Korbin. There, he killed the former owner of the kyrf plantations - the man who had perfected the creation of kyrf liquor - and took control of kyrf production. (PG2)

Binalie Estate
this was the name given to the vast estate owned by Lord Pilester Binalie and his family, duirng the years leading up to the Clone Wars. The Estate was located north of Foulahn City, just outside boundaries of Spaarti Creations' facilities. It was separated by a string of grassland, which the Cranscoc had set aside as untouchable. A tunnel running beneath the grasslands connected the two areas, allowing Binalie to enter the manufacturing facilities as needed. The dirt of this tunnel appeared to have been dug out with crude implements and covered with permacrete, but the walls were actually immense murals created by the Cranscoc. (SWI68)

Binalie, Corf
this boy was the son of Lord Pilester Binalie, and was eleven years old when the Clone Wars broke out. Corf admired the work of Jedi Knight Jafer Torles, who was on Cartao to monitor the planet's status during the Clone Wars. He believed that Torles was the "ultimate Jedi", a strong, wise individual who was never, ever wrong. His perceptions were first verified, then shattered when Separatist forces tried to acquire the fluid technology of Spaarti Creations. The battle fo keep Cartao free from Separatist control turned bad from the start, with battle droids quickly occupying Spaarti Creations and the surrounding Foulahn City. Corf believed that Torles' actions were helping, until a Republic gunship purposely crashed into the main facility of Spaarti Creations. The facility, along with many of the Cranscoc twillers who operated it, were destroyed in the blast. When it was discovered that the gunship had been under the control of the Jedi Knights - a piece of misinformation leaked by Darth Sidious himself - Corf lost all faith in the Jedi Knights. Like his father, Corf dismissed Master Torles without so much as a goodbye, and he hated the Jedi Knights from that point forward. (SWI68, SWI70)

Binalie, Pilester
this man was the leader of the government of the planet Cartao, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. A Lord by birth, Binalie did his best to remain neutral during the growing conflict between the Old Republic and the Separatists. Many of the people who lived on Cartao considered Binalie something of a blowhard, a man who was quick to support the common man with words, but rarely able to do so with actions. However, he boldly worked to ensure the safety of his people and his planet when the Clone Wars arrived on Cartao. He worked with the local Jedi Master, Jafer Torles, to assist Kinman Doriana in driving out the Separatist forces, only to see a Republic gunship crash into Spaarti Creations, utterly destroying the facility and many of the Cranscoc twillers who operated it. When he learned that the gunship had been under the command of the Jedi Knights - a bit of misinformation planted by Darth Sidious himself - Binalie dismissed Master Torles and set out to rebuilt what he could of his homeworld. (SWI68, SWI70)

this older woman served with Talus as the leaders of the planet Typha-Dor, during the years leading up to the Clone Wars. (JQ7)

Binarian Carnivorous Plant
this species of plant is found in the jungles of the planet Binaros. It appears to be nothing more than three large, orange and red leaves surrounding a stalk-like central section. Root-like tendrils spread out from the center. The plant lies in wait for a small creature to get within the reach of these tendrils, which whip out and snare the creature. The plant then drags its prey to the bulb at the top of the stalk, which is actually a mouth-like hole filled with digestive juices. (KO)

Binarian Sabercat
this huge predator is native to the planet Binaros. Resembling an eight-legged lion, the sabercat has two large fangs studding its upper jaw. These cats also have a long tail which is tipped by a bony nodule which plays parts in defense and mating. Their fur is tan in color, and is dotted by greenish spots which camouflage it from prey. (KO)

this planet was located in a system of young worlds was located in the Kathol Outback. The surface of Binaros was covered with dense forests that supported an incredible variety of flora and fauna, although no sentient life has evolved on the planet yet. The average day on Binaros lasts 32 standard hours, and the planet's year encompasses 110 local days. Binaros was the site of a small cult which worshipped a hermit-like deity. The small colony established by the cultists was eradicated by disease, but their single temple remained intact. Imperial forces took control of the temple, using it as a research base dedicated to producing biochemical weapons. When Moff Sarne was forced to flee Kal'Shebbol, the base was abandonded. (KO)

Binarran Cloud
an inhabited nebular region of the galaxy. (DFRSB)

this was a simple, Imperial language used during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (GMR6)

Binary Bar
this was the name of a tavern located in Ven-Kav, on Venaari. Cohden K'Reye once said that it was one of his favorite hangouts. (SWJ5, SWJ15, WSV)

Binary Cantina
a song written and played by the band Red Shift Limit. It was first released as part of the compilation entitled Dangerous Dreams, and has been banned by the Imperial Board of Culture. (GG9)

Binary Flash Code
this was a form of communication used by droids that lacked vocabulators. Using a simple series of on and off blinks, a droid could use a simple light to communicate with other droids. (AFA)

Binary Loadlifters
a primitive droid used to move heavy objects. (SW)

Binayre Pirates
this band of pirates operated within the Corellian Sector of the galaxy, during the height of the New Order. Their primary base was on Talus, and another was located on Tralus. Many considered the Binayre Pirates to be a group of two-bit criminals, but the leadership of the pirates became bolder during the months following the Battle of Yavin, and the Binayre Pirates began to expand their influence. (SWGAL)

this was a suburb of Galactic City, located on the planet Coruscant. (APS)

Bindalin, Jilst
this man was a native of Alsakan several millennia before the Battle of Yavin. He trained briefly as a Jedi Knight before turning to the Dark Side of the Force. It was believed that he followed the legends of a Killik member of the Sith dying on the planet Sarafur with a huge treasure buried in his tomb, and Bindalin made the trek to Sarafur to pay homage to the Killik. It was also believed that his tribute to the Killik was in the form of the Alsakan Tessent, which he had stolen and brought with him to Sarafur. The story held that only the Shistavenan pilot who transported Bindalin to Sarafur knew of the Tessent's existence. (GMR9)

this Interdictor-class cruiser was part of the fleet commanded by Prince-Admiral Krennel. He used it to trap Admiral Ackbar's fleet near Ciutric, during the New Repiblic's attempt to liberate the planet. However, as soon as Captain Phulik fired up the gravity well projectors, Ackbar implemented the Thrawn Pincer. The gravity shadows created by the Binder helped drag the Selonian Fire and the Corsuca Fire out of hyperspace behind Krennel's fleet, and the two Republic ships quickly dispatched the Reckoning. Before they could be destroyed, the crew of the Binder surrendered to the New Republic fleet. (IR)

Binder Chair
this modified chair was used by police and military forces as a way to confine an individual to a specific location. Speciallized binders were mounted to the arms and legs of the chair, into which the arms and legs of the individual were placed. In this way, a being could be interrogated without the threat of them moving against their captors. (SHPT)

binder-gyves are a form of handcuffs used to bind the wrists of a captive. (ROJR)

this was a basic set of handcuffs that were connected without a link, restricting the movement of a captive's hands. They could also be used to bind the feet, or one arm and one leg to furhter immobilize a prisoner. (SW, AEG)

this was a wide, silver adhesive tape that was used to seal boxes. (SWI73)

Bindo, Jolee
this former Jedi Kinght was a veteran of the Great Sith War, having fought against the forces of Exar Kun more than 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. However, the battles he fought changed him forever, and he left the Jedi Order after the war and fled to Kashyyyk, where he became a recluse for many years. When Bastila Shan arrived at Kashyyyk during her search for the Star Forge, she saw through Bindo's frail appearance and recognized the Jedi training that he had completed. She managed to convince Jolee to accompany her band in search of Darth Malak and the Star Forge, during which Jolee was forced to confront his past on Manaan, where he met up with Sunry. Throughout the search for the Star Forge, Jolee tried to maintain his stance of only looking for peace, despite the steely glint in his eyes. Jolee Bindo was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson for the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. (KOTOR, SWDB)

this tree was noted for the symbiotic vines that often draped from its branches. (GMR7)

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